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Volunteer case studies names have been changed


Volunteers can work one or two days, a morning or just a couple of hours a week. Travel costs are covered and refreshments provided. There are many benefits to volunteering. You can gain new skills, meet new people, enhance your CV, give something back and make a real difference to people's lives. It's also fun! Volunteering for GROW does not affect unemployment benefits. If you are interested in volunteering with us please complete our contact form and in a few days one of our Coordinators will be in touch to have a chat.

I am interested in volunteering for GROW

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It’s great to have a reason to get out of the house and to have the opportunity to see people which I wouldn’t otherwise do

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Volunteer case studies
Read about some of our volunteers. Names have been changed.

Zak has some learning difficulties


Zak was introduced to us as a volunteer by ‘Plus-‘. He is hoping to get work experience with us so that he can gain employment as a gardener.  He has learning difficulties and went to a local special school.


GROW has been trying to give him as much experience as possible and training in using various tools .  He has picked up using most of the machinery very quickly.


GROW then arranged access to a weed identification course for him paid for by GROW using its bursary fund (kindly donated by corporate Patron Tatton Estate Management).

Jane has some learning difficulties


Jane has special educational needs and severe learning difficulties. She came to us originally via Petty Pool whilst she was at college. At the end of her time there she was at a loss about what to do with herself.  She was not capable of working unless she found an employer who was particularly supportive. She asked if she could return to us as a volunteer.


She has since gained a wide variety of gardening skills. She most likes the social aspect of the role, talking to our beneficiaries who are always happy to encourage her hard work, and being with our other volunteers. 


Dan's not been so well


Dan found out about GROW and contacted us himself.  He had taken some time off work as a craftsman as he was recovering from a brain tumour. He wanted some active volunteering as he wanted to see if he could cope with physical work again. He picked up the use of the equipment quickly and was of great use to GROW.


After three months volunteering with GROW Dan felt able and confident to return to paid work and is now using his craftsman’s skills again, working in South Manchester. GROW then arranged access to a weed identification course for him paid for by GROW using its bursary fund.

I like seeing the gardens improve over the weeks and months of work, and love seeing the enjoyment that beneficiaries get from my work

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I've learnt loads of stuff about plants and the social side is good too!

Joseph has learning difficulties


Joseph had a voluntary placement with Knutsford Grow where he worked on gardening tasks every Monday and Tuesday. He attended   as a part of the Work and Health Programme via the Job Centre. This increased his confidence and his ability to carry out gardening work such as pruning, mowing and strimming. He really enjoyed this work and benefitted from the contact with the other volunteers working there.

Ines gained language skills


Ines is in her twenties and moved from Portugal when her husband got a job here. She couldn’t speak English and didn’t get much opportunity to interact with people, creating a barrier for her when seeking employment.


She was taught gardening by her parents and had a brother with disabilities so GROW was a great fit. After some months with GROW she was successful in finding a job.


Wilson gets active after illness


Wilson was referred to us by the Jobcentre in August 2019.

He was recovering from two brain tumours and had been out of the workplace for a number of years. He had always had an interest in the outdoors and gardening.


He really enjoys the social interaction side of volunteering.



General Enquiries



Financial Queries


Our Coordinators


Knutsford G.R.O.W. (Garden Regeneration Over Ward Community Association)  69, Westfield Drive, Knutsford, Cheshire  WA16 0BH  Charity No. 1091285


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