If you or someone you know lives in Knutsford, needs help with the garden and fits our criteria, we may be able to help. Please complete our contact form and in a few days one of our Coordinators will be in touch to have a chat
A regular “tidy-up” and the mix of volunteers are always happy to plant anything extra I buy. Such a good job always.

As a 96 year old and alone, it has been a joy to see the volunteers’ smiling faces and a great help. Many thanks.
Beneficiary case studies
Read about people we have helped. Names have been changed.
Couple in Failing Health
Winston & Molly are in their seventies who have lived in the area for many years. Molly is an avid wildlife gardener. When Winston had some serious health issues GROW came in to help with the garden. Sadly Molly now has Parkinson’s and dementia so is unable to get outside and Winston is her full time carer. Although she can no longer get out much she loves to sit in the window and look at the garden. Woe betide anyone that tries to cut back the nettles as Molly wants them as a haven for butterflies.
Combatting Loneliness
Irene is one of our longest beneficiaries and has lived in Knutsford for over 50 years.
She was an avid gardener but due to arthritis and after the death of her husband she could no longer manage the garden. GROW started to look after her garden over ten years ago. Irene always puts the kettle on and gets biscuits in for the volunteers. A visit from GROW is an opportunity for her to socialise and catch up with everyone as well as seeing her garden spruced up.
Mental health issues
Suzie is transitioning (changing gender) and was referred to us by the mental health team. She volunteered for a while with us but struggled because of severe OCD. Through her volunteering she met a lot of volunteers and beneficiaries in her community which has stopped her feeling so socially isolated. We have started to look after Suzie’s garden as it had started to overwhelm her. Now it is tidy and accessible she can spend more time outdoors which has really helped improve her wellbeing.