You can donate to us in any or all of the following ways:
Donate to us via the Charities Aid Foundation
Search for Knutsford GROW.
Or send a cheque made payable to Knutsford GROW to The Secretary, Knutsford GROW, 69 Westfield Drive, KNUTSFORD, Cheshire, WA16 0BH.
It would add more funds at no cost to you if you were to send a completed Gift Aid form too, as HMRC will boost your contribution.
Perhaps you'd like to leave us a gift in your will?
We'd really appreciate it; all you need is our name and address: Knutsford GROW, 69 Westfield Drive, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 0BH plus our Charity number 1091285. Or get in touch via our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you.
Be part of GROW's Patrons Collective
A great way to help us in our work is to become part of GROW's Patrons Collective. You’ll become part of a community helping the wider community.
In return for a monthly donation – which starts at £5 but can be £7.50 or £10 if you’re able – you’ll receive the following:
A thank-you gift from us; chose from either a GROW-branded mug, or a reusable GROW water bottle
A twice-yearly e-newsletter to update you on how your contribution is helping us
After a year of donating the option to become a Member of GROW bringing with it the right to vote at our Annual General Meeting and steer our Charity
Your name being listed on our website as a generous benefactor although if you’d prefer to remain anonymous that’s fine too
The reward of knowing you've made a real difference to the lives of local people
All data provided will be held and used in strict accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be found here.
Before you started coming I was ashamed of my part of the garden, it was so overgrown